Commercial Real Estate Dictionary
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Definitions of Setback

  • A setback is a clearance or minimum distance that must be maintained from a boundary, property line, structure, transportation route, or other geographic feature.
    The front of the building must maintain a 20 foot setback from edge of the road.
In This Article

Setback | Urban Planning And Real Estate Development

What Is A Setback in Real Estate Development And City Planning?

Setbacks are distances that must be kept between structures, transportation routes, property lines or other features.

What Is The Purpose Of Setbacks?

Setbacks are specified in zoning ordinances, and they are an important tool in land use planning. The purpose of setbacks is to maintain a separation between different structures, features, and land uses to maintain safety, access, or to protect the environment.

An example of a setback would be a home that must be kept a minimum distance from the street. Another example would be a building that must be kept a certain distance from the property line.

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